Opening the doors of precision medicine: novel tools to assess intestinal barrier in inflammatory bowel disease and colitis-associated neoplasia
Gastrointestinal and brain barriers: unlocking gates of communication across the microbiota–gut–brain axis
Social anxiety disorder-associated gut microbiota increases social fear
The Gut Microbiota is Important for the Maintenance of Blood-Cerebrospinal Fluid Barrier Integrity.
Microbial-derived metabolites induce actin cytoskeletal rearrangement and protect bloodbrain barrier function.
The Blood-Brain Barrier in Aging and Neurodegeneration.
Short Chain Fatty Acids Microbial Metabolites for Gut-Brain Axis Signalling.
Physiological Adaptations of the Blood-Brain Barrier.
Otic neurogenesis is regulated by TGFβ in a senescence-independent manner.
Neurovascular Interactions in the Nervous System.
TGFβ2-induced senescence during early inner ear development.
Endothelial Dab1 Signaling Orchestrates Neuro-glia-vessel Communication in the CNS.
Autophagy in the Vertebrate Inner Ear.
EphrinB2 repression through ZEB2 mediates tumour invasion and antiangiogenic resistance.
Autophagy During Vertebrate Development.
Early development of the vertebrate inner ear.
Early otic development depends on autophagy for apoptotic cell clearance and neural differentiation.
AKT signaling mediates IGF-I survival actions on otic neural progenitors.
RAF Kinase Activity Regulates Neuroepithelial Cell Proliferation and Neuronal Progenitor Cell Differentiation during Early Inner Ear Development.